1. Open Gmail using the icon on your Home Screen or in the App Launcher
  2. If this is the first e-mail account you've added to your phone, tap through the welcome messages, then tap "Add an email address"
  3. If you have other email addresses, tap the user icon at the top right, then select "Add another account"
  4. At "Set Up Email", select Other
  5. Enter your email address on your own domain, for example: "[email protected]"
  6. When choosing between POP3 and IMAP, select IMAP
  7. Enter your account password
  8. Ensure that you enter the correct server address on "Incoming Server Settings" and "Outgoing Server Settings": mail.webinabox.net.au
  9. Configure options as required, or leave as defaults
  10. Enter a different account name if required, and enter your full name to be used when sending outgoing mail
  11. And you're done!